







Economy, Place, Access, and Transport Policy and Scrutiny Committee

22 January 2024


Report of the Director of Customer & Communities



GLL Annual Performance Report 2022-23




1.        This report provides Scrutiny members with an annual (financial year 2022-23) update from Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) who operate the Council’s leisure and stadium facilities.



That Economy, Place, Access, and Transport Policy and Scrutiny Committee:


2.        Note the GLL annual summary report and comment upon the report.

Reason: To keep the committee updated on the performance of the GLL contract.




3.        GLL are a charitable social enterprise which entered a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain (DBOM) contract with the Council for 13 years on 16 November 2017 and currently operate five facilities:

·     Energise Leisure Centre (Large and small swimming pool, hydrotherapy pool, large fitness gym, large sports hall, dance studio, spin studio, climbing wall, crèche, café, outdoor tennis courts and full-size synthetic pitch).

·     Yearsley Swimming Pool (Edwardian 50-yard swimming pool).

·     Burnholme Sports Centre (Large sports hall, fitness gym, dance studio and spin studio, outdoor grass sports pitches and synthetic sports pitch).

·     The LNER Community Stadium (8,500 all seater stadium and associated facilities).

·     York Leisure Centre at the Community Stadium (3 pools, sports hall with viewing, clip and climb, large fitness suite and dance/spin studios, café, outdoor synthetic sports pitch and play park).


4.        As part of the contractual arrangements there is a performance management framework that requires GLL to report formally to the Council quarterly against a set reporting framework.  The service specification also has performance measures around availability of services, required outcomes and where required, measurements. 

5.        The performance and monitoring framework also acts to financially penalise poor performance or non-compliance, as well as rewarding over achievements. 

6.        GLL at the end of each year have a requirement to produce an annual summary report and to present this to the Council, which is included at Annex A for members to scrutinise.

7.        The 2021-22 annual report was reported to the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny on 21 July 2022.




8.        No consultation to consider.




9.        There are no options available for Members to consider for this report.


Council Plan


10.    The Council Plan 2023-27 One City for all, has a core commitment for health and wellbeing stating that we will “Improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities, taking a Health in All Policies approach, with good education, jobs, travel, housing, better access to health and social care services and environmental sustainability. We will achieve better outcomes by targeting areas of deprivation, aiming to level opportunity across the city.”

11.    In operating the Council’s leisure and stadium facilities, GLL consider the key Council commitments of Equalities, Affordability, Climate & Environment and Health as follows:

a.   Equalities and Human Rights - There are commitments to broadening participation and access, celebrating inclusion, and providing more opportunities for marginalised groups.

b.   Affordability – GLL are pro-active in working to ensure York residents have access to the public leisure facilities, by offering ‘pay as you go’ pricing as well as a range of memberships.  GLL also take part in schemes that offer free access, for example the Holiday Activity Fund.  Healthwise is a physical activity referral scheme that introduces individuals to the benefits of physical activity in order to help manage and improve existing medical conditions. Healthwise aims to encourage people of all abilities to become and remain more active which should in turn improve knowledge, skills, confidence and improve an individual’s health and wellbeing.

c.   Climate & Environment – GLL play a significant role in ensuring a more sustainable service is achieved, including reducing the environmental impacts of operating large leisure facilities that are high users of energy, especially swimming pools. GLL investment has also been a key focus through the last 12 months with investment into the centres along with ongoing maintenance ensuring that all of the facilities are maintained to a high standard. In 2022/23 £414,963 was invested into centres of which £243,816 was into the Stadium.

d.   Health and Wellbeing – GLL’s vision is at the heart of the Council health and wellbeing commitment, “to empower local communities to achieve better quality of life”, with the aim to increase participation in leisure, sport and culture to improve health and social wellbeing outcomes through the promotion, provision and delivery of quality facilities and services.

12.    A 10-year joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy was adopted in 2022 with one big vision that “In 2032, York will be healthier, and that health will be fairer”.

13.    To meet the ‘one big vision’ the strategy has six big ambitions and ten big goals:

Six Big Ambitions:

Become a health generating city

Make good health more equal across the city

Make good health more equal across the city

Prevent now to avoid later harm

Work to make York a mentally health city

Build a collaborative health and care system



Ten Big Goals:

Overarching: gap in Health Life Expectancy

Mental wellbeing


Health Weight

Suicide / Self harm

Physical activity


Inequality groups

Diagnosis gaps

Social connection


14.    GLL as the Council’s leisure contractor, operates the leisure facilities to contribute and deliver on the key priorities of the 10-year Health and Wellbeing strategy. To under pin this GLL develop and work to an annual Physical Activity and Health Plan.




15.    There are no implications for this report.


Risk Management


8.    There are no known risks.


Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Andrew Laslett

Strategic Services Manager

Customer & Communities

Tel No. 553370



Laura Williams

Assistant Director

Customer & Communities

Report Approved










Wards Affected: 







For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:






Annex A: GLL Annual Summary Report



List of Abbreviations Used in this Report


DBOM - Design, Build, Operate and Maintain

GLL - Greenwich Leisure Limited